Monday, July 28, 2008

Taking Care of the Veterans...

Taking care of our veterans seems to be an objective that both candidates happen to agree on also. Sen. McCain has also worked for a number of other financial protection and relief provisions for service members and veterans. He supported amendments to the bankruptcy reform bill that would protect veterans from being denied bankruptcy claims if they incurred their debts while defending our country. McCain made it his duty to help the families of fallen heroes. Sen. McCain states, “…we must honor those who do not return and provide for their families with a death gratuity benefit and meaningful life insurance coverage.” During the last two major military conflicts Sen. McCain has worked to double the death gratuity payment. Even though I believe you can not replace a life with a dollar. Who is the person to say how much that fallen soldier life was worth? Life is a priceless item that no price or sum should be put upon. I’m not saying the family shouldn’t receive any benefits or payments for their service in the military. But who knows how long and how much that family is going to receive money from the government. Sen. Obama determination is to improve the mental health treatment for troops and veterans suffering from combat-related psychological injuries. Obama led a bipartisan effort in the Senate to try to halt the military's unfair practice of discharging service members for having a service-connected psychological injury.

On this webpage you can find Sen. Barack Obama views about war veterans treatments.

You will be able to find the views of Sen. John McCain about the treatment of our veterans.

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